Monday, May 3, 2010

From My Easle- "Life Creates Art" wait I missed a step...

The case can be made that through the artist's vision "Life Creates Art" but is it that easy? No! Life does not create art.... we missed a step in the process. "Life Creates Passion... and it's passion that creates Art. While the viewer sees life within a image, text, or motion the art comes to life through passionate life experiences of the creators hands.

In 1995 I painted the painting "Perfect Morning" The title is a play on words because the house in the painting belonged to Lois Perfect. For years I had looked out my window and have seen this structure under the most incredible lights and finally decided to capture one of those moments. How could such a peaceful image have been created from anything but a peaceful spirit?

The day before I started this piece I spent 10 hours mentoring a Bosnian Refugee who had stepped on a land mine and lost the lower parts of both legs. The day was mid-June and had broken a temperature record at Burlington International Airport topping 103 degrees. Exceptionally high for Vermont. Our poorly insulated house with a metal roof does not hold heat out in the summer so the upstairs was unbearable. We decided that in order to get some sleep we would sleep downstairs in the living room.

I woke that morning thinking about a flat art career. I new what I needed to do. That was to just paint but had a long list of excuses - or better named "more important things to do". As I lay there thinking about why I did not have the time to paint I started thinking about my Bosnian friend. So I asked myself "He has excuses but does not use them, so why do I look for excuses that don't exist?" So after a internal tongue lashing I grabbed the only primed canvas I had and went outside.

I brought a bench over from the patio to put under our apple tree and broke out the paints. I sat there totally consumed with fear.

"I shouldn't be painting in public... people will criticize me"..... just sit here and shut up!

"They will think I am being lazy not doing yard work"..... just sit here and shut up!

"They will expect my painting to be great and what if it isn't?" .....just sit here and shut up!

Did people come over? yes they did but they did not criticize they complemented. Did they think I was being lazy? No they though it was wonderful to see an artist at work. Did they expect my painting to be great? No they kept asking if it was done yet and when I said "no" they would respond with "Looks done to me"

As I got past the fear I became aware of the joy around me. Mrs. Perfect and her daughter's laughter floating through the screen door. The neighbors kids who would come by and I would put a brush in their hands and let them dab a few "Guided" brush strokes on the painting. The freshness of the dew soaked lawn and the warmth of the day.

When I think about the process I went through to complete this painting I have often wondered if I would have even noticed the joy if I was not also in contact with the harshness of life? I guess we will never now but I do get the sense that Life Creates the Passion.... and its the Passion that creates the Art.....

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